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Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, Packet of Handwritten Notes
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, Suggestions of Amendments to Bill of Exceptions
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, Scrap Paper
Letter 1: To R. W. Thompson, 1878-January-2
January 6, 1969 Notes
Handwritten Notes on Report of Credit Sales Form 3
June 13, 1968 Invoice
Handwritten Notes on Report of Credit Sales Form 2
Payment Handwritten Notes
Packet of Bond and Interest Records
September 20, 1968 City Council Committee Operating Fund Notes
September 1, 1968 Analysis
Pensacola Maritime Corp vs The Texas Corp, April 1921 memorandum
May 8, 1875 Steamer “Florida” Earnings and Expenses
March 31 - April 29, 1876 Geo. W. Robinson in a/c with Steamer “Florida”
March 31, 1876 Paid Up Earnings and Expenses for Steamer “Florida”
July 9, 1875 Paid Up Earnings & Expenses for Steamer “Florida”
July 9, 1875 Balance Due for the Steamer Florida
February 11, 1967 Letter and Invoice
December 9, 1968 Statistical Information Grid Paper Notes
