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Handwritten Notes, "Uncle John" Destin Article, 1

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Handwritten notes for the article "He Paints Dreams."
Title: Handwritten Notes, "Uncle John" Destin Article, 1.
Name(s): Leonard Hutchinson
Type of Resource: still image
Genre: Business Correspondence
Date Created: 1961
Publisher: West Florida History Center, UWF Libraries, digitized from materials loaned by the Destin History and Fishing Museum
Language(s): English
Summary: Handwritten notes for the article "He Paints Dreams."
Identifier: DFM_leonardhutchinson_unclejohnarticlehandwrittennotes_pg1 (IID)
Note(s): The Gulf Coast Digital History Project
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Host Institution: UWF
Title: Correspondence, Leonard Hutchinson and the Atlantic Journal Constitution, Sept - Nov 1961.
Name(s): Leonard Hutchinson
George Hatcher
Type of Resource: still image
Genre: Business Correspondence
Date Created: 1961
Publisher: West Florida History Center, UWF Libraries, digitized from materials loaned by the Destin History and Fishing Museum
Language(s): English
Summary: Correspondence between Leonard Hutchinson and the Atlantic Journal Constitution regarding the magazine article on "Uncle John" Destin, an artist and a descendant of Leonard Destin. The draft article, entitled "He Paints Dreams," is included, as well as descriptions of photographs.
Identifier: uwf_DFM_leonardhutchinson__correspondencewtihatlantajournal (IID)
Note(s): The Gulf Coast Digital History Project
Subject(s): Sunday Magazine Editor -- George Hatcher
Uncle John Destin
Leonard Destin
Fort Walton Beach
The Playground News
art -- Northwest Florida
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Host Institution: UWF