Current Search: Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr. (x)
- Title
- Letter to I.E. Phillips, October 28, 1926.
- Author
- Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan No. 57, I.E. Phillips
- Abstract/Description
Carbon copy of a letter dated October 28, 1926, written on letterhead for T.T. Wentworth, Jr., Hardware, Tools, and Cutlery; the letter is addressed to I.E. Phillips. Wentworth is requesting a Klan Giants certificate for his service as Exalted Cyclops.
- Date Issued
- 1926-10-28
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0278
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter from Frank Garcia to T.T. Wentworth, Jr., July 8, 1938.
- Author
- Frank Garcia, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr.
- Abstract/Description
Frank Garcia, King Kleagle, Realm of Florida, writes to Wentworth asking Wentworth for his opinion on the possibility of reorganizing the Klan in Pensacola. Garcia mentions the National Scramba Card Movement, which wants to deport 7.5 million aliens. He also writes that the Klan is needed to stop "communists, fascists, and Nazists" that are "attempting to overthrow the U.S. government.
- Date Issued
- 1938-07-08
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_w.88.102.1437
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter from B.S. Ellisor to T.T. Wentworth, Jr., July 24, 1925.
- Author
- B.S. Ellisor, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr.
- Abstract/Description
Letter from B. S. Ellisor, Barrineau Park, Florida, to T. T. Wentworth, Jr. dated July 24, 1925, handwritten in purple ink on ecru colored paper with a decorative deckle edge left and torn edge on the right. Ellisor is asking that his name and address be sent to the Grand Dragon and Exalted Cyclops as he "wants to get work in the field." See Also: 2016.035.0301.
- Date Issued
- 1925-07-24
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0302
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to T.T. Wentworth, Jr. from I.E Phillips, December 11, 1926.
- Author
- I.E. Phillips, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., J.H. Varnum
- Abstract/Description
Typed letter from I. E. Phillips, Grand Dragon, dated December 11, 1926. Phillips thanks Wentworth for a letter and tells him that Wentworth is a good Exalted Cyclops. He goes on to say, "We are all working under handicaps, doing the best that we can and trusting the guidance of the good Master and are praying for direction, Also states: "and a sincere thanks that Varnum is getting back to himself."
- Date Issued
- 1926-12-11
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0371
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to John W. Martin from Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan no. 57, December 27, 1924.
- Author
- Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan No. 57, John W. Martin
- Abstract/Description
Carbon copy of the letter. The letter is on plain paper that has darkened due to acid in the paper. The letter is dated December 27, 1924, and addressed to Honorable John W. Martin and tells Martin that "we would urge the appointment of T. T. Wentworth, Jr." to the State Road Department. Typed signature is Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan No. 57.
- Date Issued
- 1924-12-27
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016_035_0299
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to Chas H. Ketchum from Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan no. 57, December 27, 1924.
- Author
- Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan No. 57, Chas H. Ketchum
- Abstract/Description
Carbon copy of the letter. The letter is on plain paper that has darkened due to acid in the paper. The letter is dated December 27, 1924, and addressed to Hon. Chas. H. Ketchum and urges the appointment of Klansman Wentworth to the State Road Department. Typed signature is Exalted Cyclops, Escambia Klan No. 57.
- Date Issued
- 1924-12-27
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0300
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Telegram to T.T. Wentworth, Jr. and J.H. Varnum from I.E. Phillips, December 13, 1926.
- Author
- I.E. Phillips, J.H. Varnum, Thomas Theodore Wentworth, Jr.
- Abstract/Description
Telegram dated December 13, 1926, to J.H. Varnum c/o T. T, Wentworth, Jr., advising that "Scott is sick in bed unable to meet you today" and asks when a meeting can be arranged for the following day. Sent by I.E. Phillips.
- Date Issued
- 1926-12-13
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0266
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter from J.H. Varnum to T.T. Wentworth, Jr., November 26, 1926.
- Author
- J.H. Varnum, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr.
- Abstract/Description
Letter dated November 26, 1926, from J. H. Varnum. Letter addressed to T. T. Wentworth, Jr. Letter states membership in the Klan is waning, and Varnum is calling for a meeting of "your Terrors" and asking for at least 500 people to attend. Also, stated that copies of the SUMMONS OF THE FIERY CROSS can be ordered from the office of the Grand Dragon, and these can be used to inspire membership. The letter is written on stationery from C.R. Melvin, County Judge, Vernon, Florida.
- Date Issued
- 1926-11-26
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0265
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to Mallory McDavid from T.T. Wentworth, Jr., December 1, 1926.
- Author
- Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., Mallory McDavid
- Abstract/Description
Carbon copy of a letter dated December 1, 1926, written on letterhead for T. T. Wentworth, Jr., Hardware, Tools, and Cutlery. Addressed to Mallory McDavid of McDavid, FL, telling of the large meeting being planned for Pensacola and asking the McDavid Klan to come and bring "as many as possible."
- Date Issued
- 1926-12-01
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0293
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter from I.E. Phillips to Exalted Cyclops, August 2, 1927.
- Author
- I.E. Phillips, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr.
- Abstract/Description
Letter from Grand Dragon I. E. Phillips to Exalted Cyclops, Pensacola, dated August 2, 1927, telling Wentworth that he did not fill in the size for the helmet ordered (see 2016.035.0327). Handwritten in ink at the bottom of the letter is "Size 7." Also see: 2016.035.0327.
- Date Issued
- 1927-08-02
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0330
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to Fellowship Forum from T.T. Wentworth, Jr., November 18, 1925.
- Author
- Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., Fellowship Forum, Frank Dent Sanders
- Abstract/Description
Carbon copy of a typed letter, on letterhead for T. T. Wentworth Jr. Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, dated November 18, 1925. The letter is addressed to Fellowship Forum in Washington, D.C. Letter states that part of the Pensacola News's front page reports the death of a City Commissioner. The writer suggests the article can be rewritten and used in the Forum magazine. Research reveals that Commissioner Frank Dent Sanders died November 17, 1925. A second typed sheet of paper, with the top of the...
Show moreCarbon copy of a typed letter, on letterhead for T. T. Wentworth Jr. Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, dated November 18, 1925. The letter is addressed to Fellowship Forum in Washington, D.C. Letter states that part of the Pensacola News's front page reports the death of a City Commissioner. The writer suggests the article can be rewritten and used in the Forum magazine. Research reveals that Commissioner Frank Dent Sanders died November 17, 1925. A second typed sheet of paper, with the top of the sheet torn away, states that the Forum had carried an article about the city commissions of Pensacola. The letter continues with an account of Frank Dent Sander's death and the fact that he became a Catholic on his deathbed. The letter concludes with the statement that the articles in the Pensacola newspaper "will bear out every statement made some time ago by the Fellowship Forum."
Show less - Date Issued
- 1925-11-18
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0351.a-b
- Format
- Set of related objects
- Title
- Letter to Forum Magazine from T.T. Wentworth, Jr., November 2, 1926.
- Author
- Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., Forum Magazine, J.S. Courtney
- Abstract/Description
Carbon copy of a letter dated November 2, 1926, written on letterhead for T. T. Wentworth, Jr., Hardware, Tools, and Cutlery. An order to Forum Magazine for a six-month subscription to the magazine and one Premium No, 132 Aluminum water pitcher. $1,00 enclosed. Order for J.S. Courtney.
- Date Issued
- 1926-11-02
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0283
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to T.T. Wentworth, Jr., May 28, 1941.
- Author
- W.M. Purvie, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., Roy Larson
- Abstract/Description
In this letter, W.M. Purvie asks T.T. Wentworth, Jr. for his opinion of Roy Larson, the current Chief of Police in Orlando, Florida. Larson was a former Klan member that used Wentworth as a reference.
- Date Issued
- 1941-05-28
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_w.83.102.1435
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter to T.T. Wentworth, Jr. from H.E. Jones, December 8, 1926.
- Author
- H.E. Jones, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., Friends of America
- Abstract/Description
Handwritten letter to T.T. Wentworth from H.E. Jones, dated December 8, 1926. Jones tells of an organization, The Friends of America, which plans to build a hospital and home for the aged and infirm in Panama City, Florida. The letter states the organization would like for the Masons to donate a 20 room building to the planned complex. The letter also asks that the Grand Dragons and Imperial Wizards of several states should be asked to donate a 20 room building to the complex.
- Date Issued
- 1926-12-08
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0354.a-j
- Format
- Set of related objects
- Title
- Letter to T.T. Wentworth, Jr. from Grand Dragon, December 8, 1925.
- Author
- Rev I.E. Phillips, Theodore Thomas Wentworth, Jr., Dr. Hamlett
- Abstract/Description
Letter dated December 8, 1925, to T. T. Wentworth, Jr., from I. E. Phillips, Grand Dragon. Phillips requests information about the meeting held Thanksgiving evening and stated the bad weather prevented him from attending. He also asked if the local Klan had paid the expenses of Dr. Hamlett's visit.
- Date Issued
- 1925-12-08
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0353
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Second Page of Letter from T.T. Wentworth to I.E. Phillips, May 25, 1927.
- Author
- T.T. Wentworth, I.E. Phillips
- Abstract/Description
Typed carbon copy of a letter on T. T. Wentworth, Jr., Federal Bicycle Tires letterhead, dated May 25, 1927, to Rev. I. E. Phillips. Letter is not signed. Letter relates the elections went well. Wentworth reports that he did accept the nomination to remain Exalted Cyclops and was re-elected. R. C. White was elected Kligrapp. White has been secretary for the Masonic Lodge for many years. Klansman Macon was defeated, which may be well since he is overworked: clerk for L & N Railroad, bookkeeper...
Show moreTyped carbon copy of a letter on T. T. Wentworth, Jr., Federal Bicycle Tires letterhead, dated May 25, 1927, to Rev. I. E. Phillips. Letter is not signed. Letter relates the elections went well. Wentworth reports that he did accept the nomination to remain Exalted Cyclops and was re-elected. R. C. White was elected Kligrapp. White has been secretary for the Masonic Lodge for many years. Klansman Macon was defeated, which may be well since he is overworked: clerk for L & N Railroad, bookkeeper for Dr. W. D. Nobles, and sells sewing machines. Copies of election forms enclosed, please ratify and return so installation can take place as planned. Members went to Bainbridge. One care in accident and Klansman A. B. Fillinghim, one of the best members, died. Funeral to be May 26. Wentworth's daughter born May 25. Please send 500 copies of the pamplet "The Ku Klux Klan Presents Its views of Marriage." Please send price for new Exalted Cyclops Robe or Klan Giants Robe with satin finish, will lend dignity to the office. "We are winning out ever day."
Show less - Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0416.b, uwf_ht_2016.035.0416.b
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter from T.T. Wentworth to I.E. Phillips, March 21, 1927.
- Author
- T.T. Wentworth, I.E. Phillips
- Abstract/Description
Typed carbon copy of a letter on T. T. Wentworth, Jr., Federal Bicycle Tires letterhead, dated March 21, 1927, from Wentworth to Rev. I. E. Phillips. Letter states a $2.00 check for dues from Klansman J. M. Mobley of Sarasota is enclosed and that Mobley wants a demit to the Pensacola Klan No. 57. Carbon copy of the letter was sent to H. L. Pierce.
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0396, uwf_ht_2016.035.0396
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Letter from T.T. Wentworth to I.E. Phillips, April 15, 1926.
- Author
- T.T. Wentworth, I.E. Phillips
- Abstract/Description
Two page Carbon Copy letter on T.T. Wentworth Jr. Hardware , Tools & Cutlery Letterhead. Letter is from T.T. Wentworth Jr. to I.E. Phillips informing Phillips of his acceptance of his appointment in reference to letter No. 18771. The remainder of the letter discusses political appointments in Escambia County and Wentworth's lack of trust in Governor Martin due to his support of Catholica and the Knights of Columbus.
- Identifier
- 2016.035.0854.a-b., 2016.035.0854.a-b.
- Format
- Set of related objects
- Title
- Letter from T.T. Wentworth Jr. to I. E. Phillips, January 18, 1926.
- Author
- Rev. I.E. Phillips (Grand Dragon), Theodore Thomas Wentworth Jr.
- Abstract/Description
Letter dated January 18, 1926, to I. E. Phillips, Grand Dragon, Realm of Florida, signed for him by W. R. Scott, Chief of Staff. Letter addressed from T. T. Wentworth, Jr. Letter is replying to a letter Wentworth wrote to Phillips concerning the "World Court matter." See also: 2016.035.0365, 2016.035.0368
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0264
- Format
- Image (JPEG)
- Title
- Wills Case Ballots.
- Abstract/Description
Collection of the verdict votes cast by Klan members for the Wills case. Ballots were collected within paper packet and contain 15 guilty and 1 not guilty vote. Votes have no names attached to them thought eh packet does have Tom Wentworth stamped on the front and T.T. Wentworth, Jr. Inc. on the back. Also contained in the packet are three KKK membership promotion cards named for H. Whitaker, R.C. Wills, and S. L. (Last name indecipherable).
- Identifier
- uwf_ht_2016.035.0867.a-s
- Format
- Document (PDF)