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Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, March 16, 1922 William H. Knowles Correspondence
Wireless Press, November 15, 1944
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, April 18, 1922 A. Hudson Correspondence
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, May 31, 1922 C.D Mallory & Co Correspondence
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, Notes on May 15, 1922 Testimony
Letter to Commodore J. W. A. Nicholson, 1878-January-2
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, folder 1204, April 20, 1922 telegraph
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, folder 1204, April 1920 copy of contract, page 3
Pensacola Maritime vs. Texas Company, folder 1204, April 1920 copy of contract