Current Search:  S.R. Mallory -- Angela Mallory -- Attilla Mallory -- son of S.R. Mallory -- son of Angela Mallory -- son -- written letter -- letter -- Pensacola, Florida -- Late 19th-Century -- letter (x)


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(1 - 20 of 112)


Letter from Angela Mallory to Attila: October 12, 1870
Letter from Angela Mallory to Attila: September 2, 1883
Letter from Angela Mallory to Attila: May 12, 1887
Letter from Angela Mallory to Attila: May 19, 1887
Letter from Angela Mallory to Attila: June 28, 1883
April 12, 1872
April 12, 1873
April 12, 1869
From Angela Mallory to Rev.: March 9, 1872
December 24, 1872
August 18, 1872
December 1, 1872
August 31, 1872
July 18, 1872
April 28, 1872
April 22, 1872
April 7, 1872
June 24, 1872
March 30, 1872
March 24, 1872
