Current Search:  NAS Pensacola (1918) (x)


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Crowded Barracks, 1918
Group Photo of NAS Pilots, November 16, 1918
H-16 Seaplane Number 1043, 1918
H-16 Seaplanes Refueling at Camp Saufley, December 7, 1918
Hangar Barge One, December 1918
Metal Hangars at the Naval Air Station, 1918
Model-F Above Sailboat on Pensacola Bay, 1914-1918
Observation Tower at NAS Pensacola, 1918
Officer's Mess Hall, Building 22, July, 1918
Personnel Inspection, June 1918
Personnel Inspection, November 10 1918
Photo of NAS from Observation Tower, August 22, 1918
Photographic Laboratory Building 258, 1918
Postcard of the "Solo Coffin," 1918
Postcard of Wrecked Burgess N-9
Power Plant at NAS Pensacola, October 8, 1918
Sailor in Temporary Barracks, 1917-1918
Sailor Swimming at NAS Pensacola, 1918
Sailors Utilizing Nephoscope, August 9, 1918
Sample of the Sky at Pensacola, 1918
